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Climate Change Committee

On 1st May 2019, the UK Parliament declared an Environment and Climate Change Emergency. In the following month, the Climate Change Act was amended to commit the UK government to a net zero emissions target by 2050. To coordinate the efforts of the professional institutes in the built environments in meeting these targets, CIC's current Chairman Stephen Hodder established the CIC Climate Change Committee.

In March of 2020, the Committee released a joint statement, signed by 29 built environment bodies, recognising the emergency and committing to taking action to address it. Following on from that statement, in June 2021, CIC published 'Carbon Zero: the professional institutions’ climate action plan’ which represents the first concerted output from this commitment; a plan for real action in the face of the climate and biodiversity emergencies, a plan capable of delivering on net zero.

The Committee is chaired by CIC Deputy Chair Stephen Hodder MBE.

Flood Mitigation & Resilience Group

This Flood Mitigation & Resilience group was formed in 2015, to consider how to promote further awareness of the APPGEBE Commission Living with Water Report.

There is a wide range of initiatives that are being discussed at the FMP; in part a response to the current status of flooding with government, where it remains a high-profile item on the agenda for Defra and MHCLG, but also for a wide range of in-house committees and associated organisations. These include the Adaptation Sub-Committee to the Committee for Climate Change and the National Infrastructure Commission.

The group is chaired by Sue Illman and is a sub committee of the Climate Change Committee.