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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee's vision is to provide a collaborative and strategic forum and platform for members of all construction and built environment disciplines and professional bodies to identify and promote a genuine commitment and a consistent approach to EDI in the construction and built environment sector.
The committee is chaired by Bola Abisogun OBE supported by Deputy Chair Rebecca Lovelace.
- Advise and engage with the CIC Council, the CIC Board and relevant CIC initiatives, and CIC members on strategic issues relating to equity, diversity and inclusion in the built environment sector.
- Provide leadership and guidance to support the development and coordination of wider strategic EDI activities across the construction and built environment sector.
- Identify and promote EDI policy and best practice in the construction and built environment sector to support a collaborative approach within CIC membership and in the wider sector.
- Promote a one voice approach on strategic activities, such as data collection, standards and education pipelines.
To download a copy of the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee’s Terms of Reference please click here
The EDI Committee meets on a quarterly basis, with a core group (composed of EDI professionals from member organisations) meeting every month for strategic leadership, and the Chair, Deputy Chair and CIC Secretariat ensuring delivery of actions through fortnightly meetings.
A key activity of the EDI Committee is to support the work of the joint institutes’ Action Plan to create a more equitable, diverse and inclusive built environment sector, and to facilitate the achievement and expansion of this Action Plan via CIC membership. This activity is a foundation of the EDI Committee’s commitment to support the development and coordination of wider strategic EDI activities across the sector, supporting a collaborative approach and promoting a ‘one voice’ approach to EDI in construction and the built environment.
To enquire about being involved in the group please contact enquiries@cic.org.uk