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Education and Future Skills (EFS)

The Education and Future Skills Committee consists of professional body members, education organisations, a number of employers of various types and sizes and a select number of other stakeholders. All of these have significant experience in the education and skills fields, are able to readily access evidence to support actions coming from the EFS committee, and are able to engage and influence others appropriately.

Short term focus (Autumn 2023)

  • Come together, identify and prioritise the evidence base to inform and present a united front with regards to technical / professional education & skills;
  • Support input into the wider work of CIC and the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) industry skills plan; and
  • Influence others through appropriate stakeholder engagement.

Note: In all areas, to build on work already completed to date by CIC, Professional Institutions, CLC and their constituent members

The EFS committee will be responsive to, and respond to, a range of policies and initiatives, informing and presenting a single voice on the technical / professional education and skills needed for the sector. It will meet regularly, identifying the key issues, prioritising these, and presenting potential solutions to gain greater traction where supported.

The CIC will support the EFS committee by ensuring there is clarity of collective voice for CIC members and its stakeholders, enabling better informed actions by Government bodies and through the CLC and its action plans.

This work will need technical experts to present and gather information to/from EFS committee members in a manner that will drive forward clear outcomes from the stakeholders, who will need to engage, prepare clear arguments and communications, and support likely consultation responses.

To download a copy of the Education and Future Skills Committee's Terms of Reference click here