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Health & Safety Committee

The CIC Health and Safety Committee provides a forum for health and safety representatives of CIC member institutions and to meet, shape policy, discuss initiatives and develop responses on behalf of CIC and built environment professions. The Committee is chaired by Paul Bussey (RIBA) with Philip Baker (APS) as a Vice-Chair.

Key Objectives

  • To promote the consideration of health and safety in every sector of the built environment at all stages of projects: planning, design, construction, management, maintenance and demolition.
  • To identify and publicise examples of good practice.
  • To link and co-ordinate the activities of CIC members in relation to health and safety.
  • To represent CIC and its membership to key agencies such as the Health & Safety Executive, CONIAC and CSCS.
  • To promote health and safety risk management in all disciplines of education within the built environment.
  • To hold under review legislative developments in the UK and in Europe.


Members of the main health and safety committee meet three times a year. In addition to the main committee, which has a regular membership of around 30. There are also smaller sub-groups which consider specific areas such as education or technology and innovation.

The effective early promotion of health and safety for the construction professions within the education system, to ensure that designers produce buildings which can be safely built, maintained and demolished.

Major current projects and topics include the impending revision to the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations, Hackitt Review, CSCS cards and PAS 91.

CDM Regulations

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (‘CDM Regulations’) were first introduced in 1994 and were amended in 2000. A new set of CDM Regulations were brought into law in 2007 and a further revised set in 2015. The CIC Health and Safety Committee, in collaboration with the CIC Liability Panel, introduced a Risk Management Briefing on the CDM Regulations which they updated in June 2017:

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (revised in June 2017)

The CDM 2015 Regulations were reviewed again in 2019 by The Keeping Pace with Change (KPWC) working group of The Constrution Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC), and an inter-instituional report was drawn up:

CDM 2015 - an inter-institutional report 'From Compliance to Consultation & Collaboration' (March 2019)

CDM 20-20 vision - changing the culture (April 2021)


The Construction Industry Advisory Committee (CONIAC) have developed a new website showcasing expert knowledge on occupational health and safety within the construction industry. The content will be specifically important with providing SME’s with the information necessary to improve their own health and safety and also make a lasting change for themselves.

CIC sponsored the creation of the CONIAC website, understanding the importance of CONIAC having a permanent home to showcase their years of work. Their working relationship has been present through the CIC Health and Safety Committee and looks set to successfully continue for many years to come.

To keep up to date with what CONIAC and its network are doing follow the link