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BIM and the UK BIM Framework Masterclass

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Led by expert Stephen Holmes, Director at Cadventure, this half day training will introduce the concepts of Building Information Modelling and the UK BIM Framework as the national standards for BIM process.

From this masterclass you will take home skills essential to be a BIM practitioner. Through interactive workshops, lectures and practical sessions your will learn about the principles of implementing a BIM process into your practice and the relevant national standards you should be complying to.

Learning outcomes include:

  • Core principles of a BIM process and how it differs from a traditional 2D/3D delivery process
  • Introduction some of the core terminology around BIM
  • Examine some of the practical implications of transitioning to a BIM process
  • National BIM Standards for the UK and collaboration
  • Using a Common Data Environment and how it impacts on your delivery and approval processes
  • Understand the new ISO19650 International BIM standard
  • Understand the specifics of the UK Annex and its requirements
  • Understand implementation in Vectorworks as a practical example
  • Learn about the other standards that make up the UK BIM Framework
  • Consider the practical process of importing and exporting to IFC and COBie as industry standard formats for information exchange

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