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CO2nstructZero – CLC’S Response to the CZ Consultation

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This webinar, facilitated by Building Magazine, to hear the Construction Leadership Council’s response to its recent CO2nstruct Zero consultation which sought views on how the Construction Leadership Council should measure industry’s progress on its collective Net Zero journey.

The findings have been fed into a performance framework – a suite of metrics, targets, milestones and commitments, which will iterate and adapt over time– that the industry can use to measure its impact and understand when and where further action needs to be taken

The overarching framework will amplify many of the goals and initiatives already shared in this space, and ensure industry speaks in a single and unified voice.

Confirmed speakers are:

  • Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP – Construction Minister and Co-chair of the Construction Leadership Council
  • Andrew Griffith MP – Prime Minister’s Net Zero Champion
  • Andy Mitchell – Co-chair of the Construction Leadership Council
  • CO2nstruct Zero Business Champions

Followed by a panel discussion and Q & A session.

Secure your place by registering here: