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The Flood Resilience Summit

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BRE Innovation Park

This summit will set out some of the new developments and progress made thus far after the 2016 Property Flood Resilience Roundtable Report was published. It will place the Action Plan within the context of the wider aspects of flood risk management. Including international speakers, providing lessons from around the world and giving delegates with the opportunity to hear from leading insurers and construction industry parties in this field. Experience an exclusive visit to the Flood Resilient Repair House and witness a live flood resilient repair demonstration and gain free access to a guided tour of the BRE Innovation Park.

  • Learn from 8 leading flood experts
  • Gain knowledge from 7 seminar sessions
  • Acquire up to 4 hours of CPD certification
  • Experience a live flood demonstration
  • Explore the BRE’s Innovation Park

FLASH SALE! A limited offer of £99+VAT for a full day is offered to the first 20 bookers which saves you £100! Use this link to book your seat: