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Managing Procurement Fraud Webinar

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12pm – 1pm

CIC is delighted to bring you this FREE one hour webinar in partnership with Accredex and The Forensic Procurement Partnership.

Every organisation has a requirement to spend and Procurement Fraud is globally recognised as a significant risk; it can occur at any point in the procurement cycle and is often notoriously difficult to detect. Procurement processes are particularly susceptible to fraud all of which impact directly on the bottom line of any organisation and the potential reputational impact that follows.

This free online webinar will provide you with an introduction to procurement fraud and how you can be more aware of it within your organisation. The webinar will addresses topics such as ‘Where does procurement sit within your organisation?’ and ‘Why does the construction industry consistently rank high in corruption indexes?’ The webinar will share practical case studies from within the industry and mechanisms for alleviating procurement fraud within your orgainsation.

This webinar is co-presented by Declan Rate FCIPS, ACFTech who is a specialist in Procurement Fraud Training and Investigation and Robert Brooker, Head of Forensics & Fraud – PKF GM.

To register for your FREE place please click here.