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National Engineering Recruitment Exhibition and the National Construction Recruitment Exhibition

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This CIC sponsored event is taking pace on 26 and 27 November at the NEC Birmhingham. The largest event of it’s kind, it is aimed at both skilled professionals and graduates.

Features include essential one-on-one CV consultations and company presentations that will enable visitors to find their dream job. Organisers are even offering cash-back on transport for all full time students.

Recruiters include: Allianz Cornhill Engineering, Altran, Contract Journal, Cummins Business Services, Elliot Penny,, Flight International, General Dynamics UK Ltd, GoodRich, GTI Specialist Publishers, Health and Safety Executive, Hobsons, Honda Manufacturing Ltd, INPUT, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemeE), Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), Jobs Group, Jobserve, McNicholas Plc, Milkround Online, Network Rail, QinetiQ, Railstaff & Railway, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy, Royal & Sun Alliance Engineering, RS Components Limited, Teacher Training Agency, The Engineer, The Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE), The Telegraph Group, Total UK, Toyota Manufacturing UK Ltd, TRL Technology……
Careers presentations will run throughout both days on a variety of topics including interview preparation, effective interview skills, selling yourself, and many more.
You can also test your skills with industry challenges, presented by INPUT.