Net Zero and the role of MMC
This event has finished
Event summary
The first in a series of online events, held in conjunction with our Build Net Zero NOW campaign. During this session, we will explore the role of modern methods of construction in delivering high quality, net zero new homes.
About the campaign
The campaign was formally launched at a Good Homes 2020 conference session on 3rd November 2020 and will run throughout 2021. The aim is to showcase how new homes can be built at scale to net zero standards now, rather than by 2025 or 2030. This ambition is shared by many GHA members, including members of our local authority Vanguard Network and housing association Pathfinder Network, that are set to build 100,000+ new homes over the next 10 years.
13:00 Welcome from the Chair – Lynne Sullivan, Chair, Good Homes Alliance
13:15 MMC in the UK and the Platform Design Programme – Keith Waller, Programme Director, Construction Innovation Hub
13:30 Net zero MMC and the procurement challenge – Chris Clarke, Performance and Improvement Director, SCAPE
13:45 ‘One Planet Living’ and MMC – Ronan Leyden, Head of Sustainable Places, Bioregional
14:00 Natural materials and net zero MMC – Ian Pritchett, Managing Director, Greencore Construction/Ssassy Property
14:15 Local authority action and MMC – Rafe Bertram, Sustainability Facilitator, Enfield Council/Meridian Water
14:30 Debate/Q&A
15:00 Close
Lynne Sullivan, Chair, Good Homes Alliance
Keith Waller, Programme Director, Construction Innovation Hub
Chris Clarke, Performance and Improvement Director, SCAPE
Ronan Leyden, Head of Sustainable Places, Bioregional
Ian Pritchett, Managing Director, Greencore Construction/Ssassy Property
Rafe Bertram, Sustainability Facilitator, Enfield Council/Meridian Water
Key information and booking
Date: Tuesday 20th April
Time: 13:00-15:00
Location: Online (Zoom)
Registration fees (All fees exclusive of VAT):
- £10.00 for GHA members
- £17.50 for members of partner organisations*
- £25.00 for non-members
*Partner organisations – AECB, Building Performance Network, Passivhaus Trust, STBA, The Green Register, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, Woodknowledge Wales.
Booking: Registration via Eventbrite –
A few days before the event, registered attendees will receive an email directly from the GHA with further information and joining instructions.