North West BIM Hub Seminar
This event has finished
Following on from the National Launch of BIM4SME, the North West BIM hub, Greater Manchester Chamber and other construction sector bodies are holding a seminar to draw together all companies and individuals for whom Building Information Modelling will soon be becoming a fact of life
The changes that BIM will bring to construction in this county reach beyond contractors and architects. Facilities managers, manufacturers and sub-contractors, through the entire supply chain and lifetime of a construction project, need to know about the changes that BIM will bring to their everyday operations.
The event will be in two parts: Mark Stodgell of Pozzoni Architects and newly appointed NW BIM Champion, will talk about the very real opportunities and changes that BIM will bring to the property construction sector, its clients and its supply chain; this, in particular, following the publication of PAS1192:2 and the CIC BIM Protocols at the end of February; he will also provide a brief update on these important documents.
Then, Regional BIM-thought-leaders will direct round table discussions. These mixed networking and discussion sessions are intended to help break down the barriers inherent between the various disciplines and sectors of the industry and to give people the opportunity to share experiences and question their peers.
It is important that these discussions also provide a mechanism to take questions and concerns, particularly from the SME community, back to the Government’s BIM task group; this is an important part of the BIM4SME and the NW BIM Hub’s respective terms of reference.
The cost is £15.00+ VAT and to book please click here.