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Prevention vs Intervention

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Can good quality architecture prevent suicide while still providing freedom of choice? Or should we be intervening and controlling building design to eliminate suicide risk at any cost?

In 2020, there were 5,224 suicides registered in England and Wales, according to the Office of National Statistics. Of these, about 900 deaths were of construction workers. This is devastating and a huge number; a single suicide is one too many. The effects of suicide, as some of you know, are profound and far reaching. However, is suicide avoidable if the correct action is taken beforehand?

We are going to explore the effects that architecture can have on suicide reduction in this hour-long mix of short presentations and open discussion. If you want to find out more about this significant topic and learn how we can help reduce suicide with thoughtful architecture, it would be great to see you there.

The event will be presented by:

Steve Phillip from The Jordan Legacy CIC
Ben Channon from Ekkist Wellbeing Design Consultancy
Katie Vivian from Architects Benevolent Society

To register for this FREE event please click here