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Quality management in the built environment sector

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12:00pm – 13:00pm

This webinar will provide an overview of why quality management (QM) is now more vital than ever in the built environment sector. It will also introduce an important new British Standard: BS 99001, Quality Management Systems – Specific requirements for the built environment sector which is being developed to support the industry to demonstrate a further commitment to raising quality in the sector.

Who should attend the webinar?

  • Construction companies (at all tier levels)
  • Manufacturing (including construction products)
  • Design (including architecture)
  • Procurement
  • Insurance, banking (e.g. mortgage lending)

How will participants benefit?

They will:

  • Increase their understanding of how improved QM links to other key strategies in the sector
  • Learn more about BS 99001: its aims, anticipated benefits, structure, implementation and relationship with ISO 9001
  • Explanation of how the standard is being developed and its potential impact, usage, benefits and compliance challenges


12:00 – 12:05 Welcome and introduction - Ian Richardson – Sector Lead for Built Environment, British Standards Institution (BSI)

12:05 – 12:25 The importance of Quality Management in the Built Environment sector and introduction to BS 99001 (aims and benefits, structure, implementation and relationship with 9001) - Jon Adshead, Chair of the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) Construction Special Interest Group (ConSIG)

12:25 – 12:45 Q&A session

12:45 – 13:00 Wrap up, timelines, publication, how to get involved further - Ian Richardson – Sector Lead for Built Environment, British Standards Institution (BSI)

13:00 Close of the webinar

To be part of an industry-wide conversation about the future of quality assurance in the UK built environment sector, please book your place now.

Register for the webinar