The Construction Process: A practical step-by-step guide for clients
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This full day event is for anyone who is looking to start a refurbishment or new build in the near future, and would like some impartial guidance on how to start. Ten experienced speakers will share their knowledge and experience on the process.
The event starts with a light-hearted presentation identifying various mistakes (on unidentified projects) which are best avoided. It then goes on to identify what makes a good Client brief, appointing professional teams with the right skills, and critically review their proposals. The process of completing the works is explained, including commissioning to ensure that everything works, producing snagging lists, Practical Completion and defects liability.
This is a joint event between the Home Counties South East region of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers(CIBSE), and the Construction Industry Council – South East and London Regional Committee. Everyone is welcome and to register please follow the link