After Grenfell - Support Required
Posted: 3rd August 2017
Following the devastating destruction of Grenfell Tower, CIC – working with its members and other organisations – has become engaged in a number of “After Grenfell” activities, including:-
- Developing a submission for the Public Inquiry (via a series of workshops and chapters)
- Membership of the Industry Response Group, hosted by the DCLG
- Inputting advice and information to the Independent Expert Advisory Group
- Co-ordinating a response from members to the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety
- Overseeing the publication of a regular series of Fire Safety Digests
- Co-ordinating member activity, where necessary and required by members, on “After Grenfell” issues related to Fire Safety.
CIC is seeking to appoint a Project Team to help carry out this work. Appointments will initially be made for a short-term period from six weeks to six months; but may be subject to extension.
If you feel that you may have something to offer this important project, please email the Chief Executive of CIC, in Confidence, outlining how you feel you may be able to help; the preferred method of your engagement, your expectation in line with salary and fee and your potential availability.
Your expression of interest should be received no later than 16 August 2017.
Please send an email to
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