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ICES to offer Professional registration

Posted: 18th September 2015

The UK Engineering Council has approved proposals for the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES) to offer professional registration to its members. ICES will be working under the guidance of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), who will act as the licensing body to award the grades of Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Chartered Engineer (CEng) to qualifying members.

ICES president Ian Bush commented: “One of the strategic aims of the institution is to raise the profile of the civil engineering surveying profession and of our members. I don’t think there could be a better way to do this than through opening up professional registration to our members.”

ICES chief examiner Ian Cowling, who led the work with ICE and the Engineering Council, said: “A civil

engineering surveyor working through ICES could now become a Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer or Engineering Technician. This could assist career advancement and provide a passport to opportunities around the world where ‘chartered engineer’ is well recognized and understood.”

About ICES

The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES) prides itself on its achievement as an internationally renowned centre of excellence in the art and science of civil engineering surveying to serve the public and satisfy the needs of the construction industry throughout the world.

ICES began in 1969 as the Association of Surveyors in Civil Engineering, was incorporated in 1972, and received a royal charter in 2009. It is a registered educational charity promoting the profession throughout the world. In 1992, ICES became the first associated institution of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and works with the ICE on two panels to disseminate surveying knowledge and expertise; the Geospatial Engineering Panel and Commercial Management Panel. ICES is a full member of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and International Cost Engineering Council (ICEC).