BSRIA Briefing 2014
Posted: 18th November 2014
On the 14th November 2014 BSRIA welcomed 360 industry professionals at the Brewery in London for its annual Briefing. The event was chaired by Chief Executive Julia Evans who announced BSRIA’s 60th anniversary next year; she emphasised how much the industry is changing, how we now embrace a wide variety of issues that were not considered relevant 60 years ago such as sophisticated information flow and better integration with clients.
Speakers at the ‘Smarter ways to better buildings’ BSRIA Briefing included: Munish Datta, head of Facilities Management and Plan A at Marks and Spencer; Terry Stocks, Director for Level 2 BIM HM Government BIM Task Group and head of Project Delivery at Ministry of Justice; Professor Rosalind Searle from Coventry University; Philip Ross, CEO of UnGroup; Ian Orme, BSRIA’s head of Sustainable Construction Group; and Olympian Sir Matthew Pinsent, who told delegates that the key to success was being part of a team and that trust is needed while you also need to learn to let go of control and exist in a team without blame culture. Like the Olympic team the industry needs to collaborate to find success.
To find out more and view speaker presentations click here
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