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CIC Awards HMRC ‘Inclusive Environment Recognition’

Posted: 24th May 2019

CIC is delighted to announce that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) became the first recipient of the CIC ‘Inclusive Environments Recognition’ certification. The accolade was presented by CIC Chair Prof John Nolan and CIC’s Inclusive Environment Champion Tony Burton at CIC’s Annual Members’ Conference on 23 May 2019.

Awarded to organisations which support and follow the CIC Essentials Principles Guide for Clients, Developers and Contractors, CIC’s ‘Inclusive Environments Recognition’ Certification scheme has a two-stage approach. The first of these recognises those organisations that are following the Essentials Principles Guide, and honours them with a certificate valid for a five-year period. The second stage recognises individual buildings or projects undertaken by these organisations with a further certificate for permanent display inside that building.

The Essential Principles Guide for Clients, Developers and Contractors was launched in 2018. In order to be considered for recognition from CIC, organisations must submit the following evidence to show that they support the six essential principles:

  1. Appointment of an Inclusive Environmental Champion at Board / Trustee Level
  2. A copy of your Inclusive Design Strategy
  3. An example of Inclusive Design requirements included in a Project Brief and Project Budget
  4. An example of how your procurement process has addressed inclusive design
  5. Evidence of the use of Access and Inclusive Design expertise and of consultation with diverse users
  6. Evidence of monitoring and appraisal of completed projects to assess outcomes and successes in creating accessible and inclusive environments

CIC’s Board Member and Inclusive Environment Champion Tony Burton, said of the award; “I am delighted that HMRC are the first recipient of this recognition by CIC. As an organisation, they are committed to creating spaces and places which are both accessible and inclusive. HMRC’s pioneering approach to inclusive design is exemplary.”

Frazer Smith, HMRC Director of Estates Transformation, said of receiving the accolade; We’re passionate about creating accessible and inclusive environments, so I am thrilled that our hard work and commitment to create supportive and respectful environments for the broadest range of people has been recognised in this way.

The fact that HMRC is the first organisation to receive CIC accreditation for inclusive design shows that HMRC is setting new standards for the construction industry.”