CIC congratulates Peter Hansford on his appointment as the Government’s new Chief Construction Adviser
Posted: 1st August 2012
CIC warmly welcomes the Government’s announcement that Peter Hansford, former president of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), is to succeed Paul Morrell OBE as its new Chief Construction Adviser in December when Mr Morrell stands down at the end of November, after three successful years in this post.
CIC looks forward to working in close collaboration with Mr Hansford to help deliver the Government’s construction agenda and ensure Britain’s transition to a low carbon economy and will continue to provide the same practical and logistical support to the role as it has done over the past three years.
Following the announcement by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Graham Watts, Chief Executive of CIC has said ‘Peter is a former President of the ICE and has been directly involved in the development of the Government Construction Strategy as chair of the infrastructure group. He brings a wealth of leadership experience to the role and all of us at CIC and within our membership look forward to working with Peter in his new role’.
Gordon Masterton, Deputy Chairman of CIC and former ICE president said ‘Peter is an inspired choice for the role. In his time at ICE he raised the Institution’s profile with government significantly, and demonstrated a deep understanding of the need for the construction industry to deliver, and demonstrate, value.’
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