CIC launches CICAIR Limited
Posted: 27th March 2014
Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Welsh Government Ministers have approved a transfer of responsibility for approving Approved Inspectors to CICAIR Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Construction Industry Council. The transfer to CICAIR Limited takes effect from 31 March 2014 and the creation of the new company is the first of a significant programme of changes being implemented by the Construction Industry Council Approved Inspectors Register (CICAIR).
CICAIR Limited is the sole body authorised to approve Approved Inspectors to undertake building control work in England and Wales. The continuing operation of the approved inspectors register is unaffected by this change and all actions carried out by the CIC as the previous designated body remain valid. The formation of the new company was predicated by an independent review of the Register commissioned by CIC in the interests of responsible governance in 2012. The review was undertaken by Michael Ankers OBE, former Chief Executive of the Construction Products Association.
The resulting report, published in February 2013, has led to the formation of CICAIR Limited and a range of guiding principles and strategies designed to increase the effectiveness and rigour of the Register’s processes and to enhance the performance standards of Approved Inspectors. These wide reaching and structural changes have been undertaken to ensure that the standards insisted upon in the private building control sector are continuously refined and improved and the performance of Approved Inspectors is regularly monitored against these standards.
CICAIR Limited will be governed by a Board of Directors appointed by CIC from a range of backgrounds and specialisms, including private and public sector building control and the contracting, fire and insurance industries.
Speaking ahead of the announcement the Chairman of CICAIR Ltd, the Rt Hon Nick Raynsford MP said, “CICAIR Ltd will be working tirelessly to fulfil its responsibility as a designated body and provide targeted and effective regulation, working actively and in partnership with others to ensure high quality Building Control standards.”
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