CIC model mediation agreement and procedure consultation
Posted: 16th November 2018
CIC model mediation agreement and procedure consultation
In early 2019, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) will be publishing a CIC model mediation agreement and procedure, which will be underpinned by a CIC construction industry mediation panel. The panel will comprise experienced accredited Mediators who are members of CIC member organisations with a minimum of 10 years’ experience in their primary profession.
The CIC wishes to consult with the construction industry and other stakeholders to give everyone the opportunity to make the CIC model mediation agreement and procedure the best that it can be. The CIC model mediation agreement and procedure can be downloaded here.
Your comments, opinions, suggestions, and views are valued, and should be sent to the CIC Registrar at ( Expressions of interest to join the CIC construction industry mediation panel from qualified candidates are also welcome.
Niall Lawless Chair of the CIC’s Adjudicator Nominating Body (ANB) Management Board says of the consultation; “Mediation saves disputing parties money and time, it engenders practical solutions, and it preserves and restores relationships. When mediation works it can be like magical. The CIC wants you to share your views in this important consultation to help ensure we provide a truly robust process”
The consultation period will end on Friday 14th December 2018.
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