CIC toolkit to support Professional Institutions in Embedding Sustainability and Climate Literacy
Posted: 21st September 2023
CIC's Climate Change Committee has released a new toolkit to support professional institutions in stimulating thinking and activities in relation to sustainability and climate literacy considering education and professional qualification.
This work has arisen from CIC’s ‘Carbon Zero: the professional institutions’ climate action plan’, which was released in June 2021, through Workstream One: Education and Qualification. The toolkit was developed in collaboration with professional institutions, with a focus on sustainability and climate literacy, and who operate professional registers, and/or recognise education and training pathways to those registers, with consideration of the ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of registered professionals.
The toolkit is divided into several sections: it aims to support and enable professional institutions to select areas where they are considering engaging, communicating, and making changes to their professional qualification and/or CPD requirements, and/or the recognition of education and training to professional registration, in relation to sustainability and climate literacy.
Aled Williams, Executive Director, Innovation & Partnerships UCEM who leads Workstream One said of the Toolkit release; “Professional Institutions are striving to provide members with better knowledge, skills, understanding and behaviours to tackle climate change. There is the opportunity to progress in partnership improving the sharing of knowledge through collaboration, co-ordination and commitment.”
Stephen Hodder, Chair of CIC’s Climate Change Committee welcomed the Toolkit publication saying, “Congratulations to those involved in the production of this invaluable resource it demonstrates a significant step towards a sustainable future for the construction industry, guiding the way towards a responsive low carbon sector.”
The Toolkit is available as interactive webpages on CIC’s website where a full version is also available as a download.
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