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Governments Property Agency awarded ‘Inclusive Environment Recognition’

Posted: 5th April 2022

CIC is delighted to announce that the Government Property Agency (GPA) has become the latest recipient of the CIC ‘Inclusive Environments Recognition’ certification at organisational level.

GPA is being recognised for its approach to delivering inclusive working environments in its new regional centres. The accolade will be formally presented by CIC Chair Justin Sullivan and CIC’s Inclusive Environment Champion Tony Burton at CIC’s Annual Members’ Conference in May this year.

Awarded to organisations which support and follow the CIC Essentials Principles Guide for Clients, Developers and Contractors, CIC’s ‘Inclusive Environments Recognition’ Certification scheme has a two-stage approach. The first of these recognises those organisations that are following the Essentials Principles Guide, and honours them with a certificate valid for a five-year period. The second stage recognises individual buildings or projects undertaken by these organisations with a plaque for permanent display inside that building.

The Essential Principles Guide for Clients, Developers and Contractors was launched in 2018. In order to be considered for recognition from CIC, organisations must submit evidence to show that they support the six essential principles:

  1. Appointment of an Inclusive Environmental Champion at Board / Trustee Level
  2. A copy of your Inclusive Design Strategy
  3. An example of Inclusive Design requirements included in a Project Brief and Project Budget
  4. An example of how your procurement process has addressed inclusive design
  5. Evidence of the use of Access and Inclusive Design expertise and of consultation with diverse users
  6. Evidence of monitoring and appraisal of completed projects to assess outcomes and successes in creating accessible and inclusive environments

Jonathan Eccles, Head of Workplace Design at the GPA, said: “I am very proud to receive this award on behalf of the GPA. We are at the forefront of inclusive workplace design, ensuring our class-leading inclusive design standards are incorporated into all our projects from the outset, and not treated as aspirational or a ‘nice to have’.

The GPA is responsible for delivering the Government’s property agenda across its office and warehouse portfolios. This means our work has a direct impact on the performance of the UK’s Civil Service, making it essential that we create work spaces that allow civil servants to feel safe, accepted and welcomed irrespective of who they are.”

CIC’s Inclusive Environment Champion Tony Burton, said of the recognition; “We are delighted that the GPA has be awarded Inclusive Environments Recognition at Organisational Level. They have demonstrated their commitment to creating spaces and places which are both accessible and inclusive for their users. We look forward to receiving applications from them at project level to see more of their commendable work. This is a significant lead from the public sector which I sincerely hope will be followed by others in the industry.”

For further information on the scheme please click here.