CABE Higher Risk Building Registration Guidance Videos
Posted: 6th October 2023
With the recent commencing of changes on 1 October 2023 in accordance with the Building Safety Act (2022), this has raised some questions for those with duty-holding responsibilities working within higher risk buildings (HRB’s).
The Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) has published posted a short series of question and answer videos to their YouTube channel, featuring CABE Chief Executive, Dr. Gavin Dunn, and David Ing, Managing Director of Fabrick Marketing Agency.
Six short videos have been posted surrounding the some of the key questions raised in response to changes for those with duty holding responsibilities. The topics of the videos include how to process and maintain HRB’s under the oversight of the Building Safety Regulator, introducing clear accountability for duty-holders working on HRB’s, and demonstrating and proving competence in accordance with the Building Safety Act (2022), and more.
These videos have been created to help aid understanding of the changes to the sector, and give the viewer further information into the biggest change to the industry for over 70 years.
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