New charity launched to transform cancer support in the sector
Posted: 25th July 2018
Building industry leaders have come together to launch a new charity aiming to transform cancer advice and support for people working in the Construction and Built Environment sector as well as raising money to help fund research to beat cancer sooner.
Andy von Bradsky, Anthony Burd, Emma Clancy, Paul Everall, Richard Harral and John Tebbit have been working since the end of 2017 to launch We Build the Future.
Working in partnership with Cancer Research UK and the Lighthouse Club, We Build the Future has three specific objectives:
- To support people who work in the construction and built environment sector who face the challenge of dealing with cancer in their lives.
- To fund research which can help accelerate improvements in the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer
- To promote health and wellbeing in the construction and built environment sector in order to help reduce the risk of people developing cancer in the first place
How you can help
We Build The Future is asking people in the industry to:
- Donate an hour of their earnings every year to help us develop our campaigns
- Follow us on twitter at webuildtf or #beatingcancersavinglives and let us know what they are doing to support the charity’s work;
- Complete our short cancer survey so that we can start to understand how best to help people
- Get involved in raising cancer awareness in their workplace by visiting our website at
- Subscribe to our e-mail alerts
- Come forward as business and sector supporters to help build a better industry
We Build The Future is also very interested in speaking to people from within the construction and Built Environment sector who would be willing to help produce some case studies of their personal experience to exemplify the challenges that dealing with cancer can bring, or who would be happy to act as ambassadors at regional events to help raise the profile of the charity. If interested people should contact
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