Sustainability, with profit
Posted: 16th July 2003
CIC recognises that the protection of the environment and the pursuit of sustainable development are amongst the greatest challenges facing construction clients. Clients do not need to know everything there is to know about sustainable development and construction. However, knowing enough to ask professional advisors and project teams the right questions is becoming increasingly important and will give their business an edge.
CIC has published two new client guides in their Sustainable Development series “Constructing for Sustainability: a guide for clients and their professional advisors” and “Brownfields – building on previously developed land”. They were launched at a joint CIC /CIEF seminar ‘Constructing for Sustainability as well as for profit’ on 23 June at the Institution of Civil Engineers to an audience consisting of representatives from DTI, ODPM, clients and built environment professionals.
“Constructing for Sustainability: a guide for clients and their professional advisors” – how to reduce risk and protect profits while constructing sustainably. This Guide briefly explains some of the thinking behind the principles of sustainable development and looks at how to adopt these principles throughout the life of your projects from inception to demolition. It additionally provides signposts to detailed web based information and other useful publications’
“Brownfields – building on previously developed land” – avoiding the pitfalls, navigating the planning process and appointing the right team to develop your site. This guide provides a framework for a sound business approach to help clients building on previously developed sites. It also explains the steps that clients should take so that they can interact successfully with their advisors.
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