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Design Quality Indicator for Health 2 (DQIfH2)
The Construction Industry Council (CIC) was commissioned by the Department of Health in 2010 to develop a design quality evaluation tool for all types of healthcare projects whether new or refurbishment. For that reason, DQI for Health (DQIfH) was developed and the Achieving Excellence Design Evaluation Tool (AEDET) was replaced.
The first DQIfH was piloted by NHS London and was launched at the beginning of 2014 by the NHS Trust Development Authority (now NHS Improvement) and the NHS England Project Appraisal Unit.
DQIfH is designed to follow the NHS’s business case process through Strategic Outline Case, Outline Business Case, Full Business Case, Construction and Post Occupancy Evaluation.
Since the launch of this first DQI for Health NHS England & NHS Improvement have continued to provide assistance to CIC to improve the DQI workshop and reporting processes.
In September 2020 the CIC launched an updated version of the DQIfH (DQIfH2).
The DQIfH tool and the questionnaire have been updated to perform better with the latest NHS England & Improvement requirements and whilst still aligned to the current business case process can be adapted to be used on accelerated project programmes.
The DQIfH2 is still founded on professionally facilitated workshops with healthcare organisations and their key stakeholders engaging in all stages of the projects consultation and design process.
DQIfH2 is now designed to become the vehicle for not only design appraisal but also staged review of other NHS estates assurances processes covering impact on the procurement process at an early stage e.g. Carbon Reduction and Sustainability, Infection Prevention & Control, Fire Safety, Planning, Budget, Travel Plan etc.
To download further information please click here.
DQIfH2 explanatory presentation available here.
NHS England Capital Business Case Process and Documents - Annex 1 - Business case checklist available here.