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CIC Scope of Services


The CIC Scope of Services are for use on major building projects. It is designed to be used with any form of building contract for the appointment of consultants and contractors.

The CIC Scope of Services comprises lists of tasks which are (or may be) required on all projects. From these lists, parties can draw up schedules of services for the appointment of consultants, specialists and contractors by allocating the tasks to whoever is to undertake them.

The CIC Services are for use on major building projects designed by a multi-disciplinary team, whatever the procurement route. The client can be a developer or end-user client, or a design and build contractor. The services may be undertaken by-
* consultants (engaged on the CIC Conditions section of the CIC Consultants' Contract or on other terms);
* specialists contributing to design; and
* contractors (whether the procurement route is traditional or design and build).

A series of tables details the tasks to be undertaken as part of the ‘definition process’. The term ‘definition’ is used rather than ‘design’ because far more than design is involved and not all of those participating in the process undertake design. Thus the process includes management, co-ordination, costing, programming, health and safety and so on. Definition + construction = project.

The approach is innovative; the services set out are comprehensive and enable parties to assemble schedules of services for the project team which are integrated and transparent. The CIC Services are therefore the perfect tool for working in partnership.

ISBN 9781 85946 2584
