Apply to be an ARB Board member
Posted: 18th September 2018
Are you a passionate and committed individual looking for a challenging but exciting opportunity? Could you lead Architects Registration Board (ARB) through a significant period of change and help set the future strategy for the organisation?
The ARB was established in 1997 by the Architects Act and regulates over 40,000 architects in the UK.
The two key objectives that underpin all of our work are to:
- Protect the users and potential users of architects’ services
- Support architects through regulation
The constitution of our Board is set to change and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), our sponsoring department is seeking to appoint:
- One independent, non-executive Chair
- Ten non-executive Board members - made up of five architect and five lay members of the public
ARB will be hosting information evenings for those interested in the positions on 26 and 27 September 2018. Contact ARB via if you are interested in attending or have any questions.
Many people from a wide range of backgrounds across the UK participate in public life by being members of the boards of public bodies, making decisions that develop, shape or deliver government policy and public services. If you are inetersted or would like further information please click here.
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