CIC is seeking to appoint a new Deputy Chairman
Posted: 5th April 2018
Following the resignation of Professor Tony Crook CBE, the Council has agreed that Professor John Nolan should remain as CIC Chairman for a period of up to one further year, following the Council meeting, to be held on 26 June 2018; and that Tony Burton should resume the role of Deputy Chairman until such time as a new Deputy Chairman is to be appointed.
The Council also agreed to open the nomination process for a new Deputy Chairman, to be appointed at the Council meeting, on 26 June 2018.
Nominations for the role of Deputy Chairman are now requested. Nominations will close at midnight on Thursday, 3 May 2018.
Nominations CAN ONLY be made by the Chief Executive Officer of a CIC Member and any interest by others should be referred to the appropriate Chief Executive. A list of CIC Members can be found here.
Those nominated for the role will be expected to attend a meeting of the Advisory Panel at a mutually agreeable date/time between the close of nominations and early June 2018.
A role description for both the Deputy Chairman and the Chairman is available from Eve Farraud at CIC, on request to
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