Association for Project Safety's CDM2015 consultation seminars
Posted: 20th January 2014
The Association for Project Safety is holding a series of CDM2015 consultation seminars across the United Kingdom during the HSE's anticipated CDM consultation period in the New Year.
These events are open to the whole construction industry, not just APS Members, and the cost for hosting these will be subsidised by APS with only a minimal charge to delegates to cover tea/coffee and sandwich refreshments.
All events will commence with Registration at 17:00 and be finished by 20:00, allowing people to attend after work. The Health and Safety Executive will be attending some of these seminars to present the proposed regulatory package. We are awaiting confirmation of which dates the HSE will be avaliable to attend.
Each Seminar will present the HSE's proposals for the CDM Regulations and then discuss the Consultation Document and respond to the various questions to which the HSE are wanting answers. The aim is to present an industry wide response to the HSE from construction professionals across the United Kingdom.
For more inofrmation and bookings please click here
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