CIC and Constructing Excellence NE England hold ‘Discovery Day’
Posted: 17th March 2016
The Construction Industry Council (CICNE) and Constructing Excellence (CENE) held a ‘Discovery Day’ last week, for the 2016 Sustainable Housing Scheme Wonder Challenge for school children in years 9 and 10 in the North East of England
The project involves a number of schools throughout the region, each of which has put forward a group of 13 and 14 year old students who will act as a construction team, from conception to completion, for their project. Each team will set up a company which will undertake the design and construction roles to build a sustainable housing scheme in their neighbourhood.
This highly successful challenge has been running with CICNE and CENE involvement for five years. Last year’s North East England Sporting Wonder Challenge was won by pupils from Durham School for Girls. Previous Wonder Challenges have included community and infrastructure projects.
On 10 March CICNE regional Chair (and CK21 Director) John Nielsen chaired the ‘Discovery Day’ event at New College Durham attended by over 50 students and their teachers, to hear presentations by him, Neil Turner (HLP Architects), Joe Ridgeon (George F White), Allan Thompson (GentooTolent), Gill Burgess (R-evolution) and Paul Thomas (Robertson Facilities Management) covering architecture, planning, engineering, presentation skills, corporate branding and the practicalities of construction, all in relation to housing.
Speaking after the event Nielsen said: “Today went extremely well with a great set of presentations that will not only assist the students in their projects but also enlighten them to various aspects of the construction industry, presentation skills and branding with graphic design.”
The final will take place on 29 June 2016.
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Read more:
- New Industry Initiative to Promote Careers in the Built Environment in Schools and College
- MEMF School Competition: Building A Sustainable Future
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