CIC commends 40 signatories of its climate action plan
Posted: 11th November 2021
CIC is pleased to share the news that it’s ‘Carbon Zero: the professional institutions’ climate action plan’ which was spearheaded by CIC’s Climate Change Panel has now reached 40 signatories. This is also a significant date to share this news as CIC’s Deputy Chair and Chair of the Climate Change Panel Professor Stephen Hodder MBE is also addressing COP26 today discussing the Action Plan as part of the Construction Leadership Council’s presentation.
Signatories to the CIC ‘Carbon Zero: the professional institutions’ climate action plan’ have been working on implementation proposals for the plan to have them ready for COP26, with steps, responsible departments and timelines for each action. The Climate Change Action Plan identifies 10 areas of work, with 72 deliverables which embrace all interests within CIC, and were developed in close collaboration with a diverse range of institutions, organisations and individuals.
The signatories to this Action Plan agree that:
- the actions listed are necessary for dealing with the challenge of climate change;
- they will implement those actions appropriate to them as an institution/organisation; and
- they will support the other signatory institutions and organisations in delivering the remaining actions
Stephen Hodder MBE said “I am delighted that COP26 will hear about the unprecedented institutional alliance that has resulted in our Action Plan. It is a plan for real action, not hollow rhetoric, and one that will see an up-skilling of built environment professionals and their contribution to the decarbonisation of the wider construction industry. I would like to thank all contributors for the hard work that has brought us to this significant moment, not least Simon Foxell of the Edge think tank for the plan’s inception.”
The Action Plan can be downloaded here. Stephen’s presentation takes place as part of the Construction Leadership Council’s Construct Zero session Construction: The Built Environment’ from 09:30 - 11:00, in the Cinema Auditorium. It will take place in the Green Zone as part of the COP26 Cities, Regions and Built Environment Day and will also be streamed live on the COP26 YouTube Channel.
List of signatories
ACE: Association of Consultancy and Engineering
APM: Association for Project Management
APS: Association of Project Safety
AS: Adjudication Society
BAFE: British Approvals For Fire Equipment
BIID: British Institute of Interior Design
BPIC: Black Professionals In Construction
BSRIA Building Services Research and Information Association
BSI: British Standards Institution
CABE: Chartered Association of Building Engineers
CCS: Considerate Constructors Scheme
CIAT: Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists
CIBSE: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CIC: Construction Industry Council
CIHT: Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation
CIOB: Chartered Institute of Building
CIPHE: Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering
CIPR: Chartered Institute of Public Relations
CIPS: Chartered Institute of Procurement of Supply
CIRIA: Construction Industry Research and Information Association
ICES Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors
ICWCI: Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate
ISSE: Institute of Specialist Surveyors and Engineers
IWFM: Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management
IET: Institute of Engineering and technology
IFE: Institution of Fire Engineers
InstRE: Institution of Royal Engineers
IStructE: Institution of Structural Engineers
IIRSM: International Institute of Risk & Safety Management
LABC: Local Authority Building Control
LI: Landscape Institute
NHBC: National House Building Council
RIBA: Royal Institute of British Architects
RICS: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
RTPI: Royal Town Planning Institute
SCL: Society of Construction Law
the Edge
UCEM: University College of Estate Management
UKGBC: UK Green Building Council
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