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CIC Futures Group to examine the potential for closer working arrangements for the professional institutions

Posted: 24th September 2003

The Construction Industry Council is to set up a high level Steering Group to look into the future of professional institutions. This “Futures Group” will explore the potential for closer collaborative working between the professional institutions in the built environment and the opportunities for greater relevance, effectiveness and value.

The decision to establish the “Futures Group” was prompted by a meeting of the CIC Chartered College on 10 September, which considered a number of issues relating to the future of professional institutions in the built environment, including the potential for strengthening the role and profile of CIC as the umbrella for professional bodies in the built environment. The Group will also take into account other relevant issues ranging from the movement to create a new “electro-mechanical” institute by the IEE, IMechE and IIE, the associated proposal from the Institution of Civil Engineers to establish a new Institution for the built and natural environment, and recent calls to establish a new Institute for Quantity Surveyors.

The composition, remit and terms of reference for the “Futures Group” are to be agreed, in consultation with relevant CIC members from the Chartered College and the College of Independent Professional Institutes, during the next five weeks and it is anticipated that the Group will meet for the first time before the end of October.