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CIC National Occupational Standards Projects

Posted: 28th February 2013

CIC as a partner in ConstructionSkills have completed UKCES funded National Occupational Standards projects covering:

•Built Environment Design
•Built Environment Design Management
•Building Information Modelling
•Construction Contracting Operations

Working in partnership
We would like to thank all those who took part in the working groups and the consultation process. Your participation and involvement has ensured that the NOS reflect changing industry practices relating to sustainability, energy use, low carbon and Building Information Modelling.

Industry benchmarks
The NOS provide employers with an industry approved benchmark to help them identify training needs and skills gaps and develop job descriptions.

Qualification and Training Programme development
The revised NOS and associated QCF units will also be available for training providers and awarding organisations to update their existing NVQ Diplomas, SVQs and training programmes.

The NOS and QCF units are available to view on the CIC website on: