CIC Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Committee welcomes new Chair
Posted: 16th January 2012
This month the Yorkshire and Humberside Committee welcomed a new chair, Stefanie Stead who has taken over from previous chair, Dr Tristram Hope after his two year term. Tristram will still remain actively involved in the committee and chair their new educational subgroup. Stefanie had previously been vice chair on the committee and was instrumental in helping set up their first annual conference in 2012. In her own words Stefanie tells us a little more about herself:
“I am a Chartered Architect at Chetwoods Architects, and have worked for a number of years across Yorkshire, predominately on residential and commercial schemes for a range of clients. I am the Chair of the Construction Industry Council Yorkshire and Humber and sit on the board of the Construction Sector Network. I also sit on the RIBA Yorkshire Council and Regional Design Review Panel for Yorkshire and Humber.
My interests lie in architecture as a wider profession – exploring the possibilities of what ‘architecture’ is, and what it could be. To me, architecture is so much more than just a building in isolation, but rather reflective of policies and perceptions of a place.
I am particularly interested in the narratives of a place, whether historical, political, socio-economic or folklore. Indeed, stories – whether personal or created – allow a place to be reconsidered and interpreted in quite different and enlightening ways. My passion is creating. Whether, a building, a knitted tea cosy or a Landrover, the process of designing, creating and tinkering influences every aspect of my life.
I also believe that is it is crucial to involve those who will benefit from the process in the process. By working with local communities, charities and schools, designs become relevant and long term. And in this way, it is my intention to contribute to the built environment in a meaningful way.”
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