Sue Illman awarded CIRIA Susdrain Awards
Posted: 19th July 2023
Sue Illman Champion of the CIC Flood Mitigation and Resilience Group which is a subcommittee of the CIC Climate Change Committee along with Steve Wilson have been awarded with an “Outstanding contribution to SuDS” at the CIRIA awards.
Sue recently spoke at the CIC Economic and Policy on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and is a landscape architect, who works on a wide range of development projects, from sports facilities, to schools, housing and hospitals where she designs both the external works and SuDS seamlessly as an integrated whole. She was President of the Landscape Institute from 2012-14 and continues to sit on various panels promoting SuDS, and is currently involved in the review of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act by Defra..
Steve Wilson and Sue Illman have worked together on SuDS design and construction for nearly 10 years. Their first project together, was a moderate scale SuDS retrofit which they took from concept design to construction, and in doing so, cemented their relationship of a Civil Engineer and Landscape Architect working as a team – ‘a civil partnership.’
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