CPA Issues Call for Evidence on Product Information
Posted: 12th March 2019
Since the publication of the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety by Dame Judith Hackitt following the Grenfell Tower fire, the UK construction industry and fire sector have been working hard to meet the various challenges set for it.
The Construction Products Association has been involved with several critical elements of this activity, and amongst these has established a “Marketing Integrity Group” to specifically address Chapter 7 of the report, which challenges how product information is made available to the wider supply chain. The Group is led by Adam Turk (Managing Director, Commercial, for Baxi Heating) with a core team of 20 marketing, communications and technical professionals from across the supply chain.
In order to inform its work further, the CPA’s Marketing Integrity Group has issued a Call For Evidence seeking responses from across the supply chain, including architects, designers, specifiers, consultants, manufacturers, contractors, builders, merchants, maintainers, and indeed anyone who uses product information through the life of the asset. Amongst the areas of interest covered by the survey are:
- Ease of finding information
- Product substitution
- Completeness and correctness of information
- Products as part of a system, or use in a variety of applications
To complete the Call For Evidence survey, please click here. The survey will remain open until Friday, 05 April.
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