CPD – You need it – We’ve got it: www.cpdevents.org.uk
Posted: 4th November 2003
Construction Industry Council South East (CIC-SE) has championed an innovative website database that will hold information on all CPD and events organized by major providers. A unique service to enable professionals to seek out the most appropriate vehicle for maintaining their Continuing Professional Development.
CIC-SE has launched the pilot of its unique website which will be further developed to include all far-sighted professional institutions and recognized organizers of continuing professional development activities in the South East. The pilot partners include four professional institutions (CIOB, RTPI, ICE, RIBA) the Construction Best Practice Programme and South East Centre for the Built Environment. Links from each institution’s website will open up www.cpdevents.org.uk to enable the user to search all participants’ events.
In this way, every construction professional is encouraged to learn alongside other disciplines. This is a positive step towards breaking down traditional barriers between professions and achieving more integrated construction teams. Moving forward, it is hoped that collaborative event programmes will evolve to deliver better, cheaper and more challenging CPD.
The initial phase of this database has been funded by SEEDA, the South East England Development Agency. Inter-disciplinary CPD is regarded as central to the life-long learning culture critical to delivering the changes required in the Construction industry. Sustainable development is key to fulfilling SEEDA’s mission to become a “World Class” region.
Users can access appropriate events by entering relevant criteria, selecting to search by subject, date, location or any combination to refine the search. The data returned will include all appropriate events available from all contributing bodies. An opportunity to make an enquiry directly to the organizer is in place to enhance the booking procedure.
All professional bodies are invited to apply to have their events included in this collaborative events programme. The more contributors on board, the more comprehensive and useful the site will become.
Other regions have already identified the potential for developing a similar framework and discussions are already in hand to expand the service national
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