Creation of BIM Forum leads CIC strategies to implement IGT recommendations
Posted: 28th June 2011
CIC has established a Building Information Modelling (BIM) Forum to take forward the strategy paper published by BIS on 22 June. Chaired by Rob Manning of AECOM and Past President of CIBSE, the group will work closely with other industry bodies to take forward a main recommendation in the Innovation and Growth Report on Low Carbon Construction. A subgroup of the BIM Forum has also been created to consider issues of liability in relation to BIM. This sub-group is headed by David King; director of HOK architects and has met twice. The first meeting of the BIM Forum will take place on 7 July.
Rob Manning said: “The Building Information Modelling Working Party Strategy Paper has given the CIC an opportunity to influence how the adoption of information modelling will act as an enabler to a more closely integrated way of working through the processes of building design, construction and operation.
In particular the professional institutions associated with creating and managing the built environment will be able to act together through CIC to provide shared proposals on how the move to the use of information modelling will bring changes to education, sharing of best practice and research/development. The institutions will also work upon how BIM Protocols will interface with terms of appointment and conditions of contract and how they will impact upon the work of institution members in what will be a significant change to working practices in the construction industry.”
In other moves CIC re-established The 2050 Group in May 2011; comprised of young professionals representing a wide range of disciplines across the built environment. The group was established to feed into the Innovation and Growth Team review. The aim is to raise awareness across the Industry to meet the environmental agenda before 2050.
Hannah Collie, of CIC, the 2050 Group Coordinator, said: “Our aspiration is to make this future construction leaders’ group a place for discussion, a network for activity and an open channel for communication. We aim to be a catalyst for change on the road to 2050, helping to develop a collaborative and proactive construction industry.”
As a partner in ConstructionSkills CIC is also tackling challenges identified in the IGT report for “greater collaboration, co-operation and integration to develop a single strategic view on future skills needs” in two ways – through its own leadership, developments and engagement with sector employers, professional bodies, education and training providers and awarding organisations, and also collaboratively, in conjunction with the other Sector Skills Councils that operate across the built environment via the Built Environment Skills Alliance (BESA).
CIC has led the development of the Built Environment Functional Map that brings together the full range of functions and National Occupational Standards across all the Sector Skills Councils that operate in the Built Environment. This is a substantial and fundamental piece of work in the current context of low carbon IGT impact on skills needs within the sector and includes other aspects of ‘Future Skills’
David Cracknell, Director of Lifelong Learning said: “CIC’s National Occupation Standards (NOS) potentially form the common currency benchmark for the sector’s academic, vocational and professional qualifications and have been updated to reflect the emerging need for low carbon knowledge and competence. CIC is also seeking to raise awareness of the low carbon skills needs across the professional community and producing guidance for employers and education and training providers.”
CIC will also be actively involved with the Strategic Forum for Construction co-ordinating the work of its members with the umbrella bodies for Contractor, Manufacturer and supply chain trade associations.
CIC Chairman, Gordon Masterton, welcomed the Government’s response to the report and said that CIC would play its part alongside the other industry umbrella bodies within the Strategic Forum for Construction, to champion the overall objectives of the IGT Report and be a key player in ensuring the transition from planning into the delivery phase.”
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