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DQI goes to Korea

Posted: 9th May 2008

At the end of April William Hawkins, DQI Manager at CIC was invited to present work that the UK has been doing on the measurement of design quality at a conference in Seoul, Korea.

The conference was hosted by the Korea Institute of Licence Architects and the Korea Institute of Construction Technology and focused on a new law the Korean Government has recently introduced on architectural quality.

William said:

“The Korean Government is introducing a requirement for new buildings to be of a minimum architectural quality, it would be a little like including fitness for purpose, aesthetics, form, composure and other subjective architectural qualities in our Building Regulations. The challenge now being faced in Korea is how to qualify such issues so it can be assessed whether they are being met. Korea is interested in the work we have been doing in the UK on DQI which aims to measure the mix of objective and subjective issues which define design quality. However we also discussed that issues such as rigorously controlled minimum construction standards and professional skills are very important to ensure their vision of better buildings can be realised.”