DQI Licensed for use in the USA
Posted: 24th September 2008
CIC is pleased to announce the licensing of the Design Quality Indicator (DQI) – the pioneering online process for evaluating design quality of buildings – to DQI USA LLC for development and distribution in North America. The licence means that an American version of DQI is now being developed for use in the USA and Canada.
DQI USA LLC, a Chicago based organisation, have been successfully distributing the UK DQI in North America for two years, in which time it has been adopted by New York City for use on a variety of public projects, some $1Bn of capital works.
Marc Sallette, Founding Member of DQI USA LLC said “The first American version of DQI is planned to be launched in mid-October, in advance of further training sessions to be held in New York City”.
“DQI USA was formed to commercialise and further develop DQI to improve the quality and productivity of our built environment. We are eager to accelerate our efforts to introduce the tool to strategic public and private sector clients who need critical feedback on design quality at all stages of their projects. With new features already available for the U.S. market, such as the ability to run the DQI on Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch, we are confident in achieving our goal of creating a nationwide network of DQI evangelists.”
Graham Watts, CEO of CIC said “We have been working with Marc, his colleagues and the American users and practitioners of DQI for several years now and over that time we have been impressed by the way DQI has fitted easily into the project culture in the States. Naturally we are very pleased that we have been able to take this important step so that an American version of the tool can be created to encourage broader adoption of the DQI in North America. CIC is looking forward to assessing the knock-on benefits of the American DQI to be adopted for use in the UK. I’m also encouraged that, even in these times of financial uncertainty there is an ongoing commitment in the USA to procure buildings, especially public buildings, by best value and not just lowest cost.”
For further information on DQI visit: www.dqi.org.uk/DQI/
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