ICWCI Announces New President
Posted: 27th May 2016
The new ICWCI presidential team for the term up to May 2017 is as follows: Mr Gerard Clark MICWCI President, Mr Ron Philpot MICWCI President Elect, Mr Neil Dickinson FICWCI Immediate Past President.
Gerard’s aspirations were drawn to the ICWCI in the 2007, when he made his first visit to the ICWCI Merseyside Chapter. Encouraged by the members, he gained licentiate membership and two years later corporate membership. He has continually supported his local Chapter, holding various roles to assist in its running. He joined the ICWCI Management Board in 2015 and is currently a Director on the Institute’s Communications Hub
Concerning his term in office, Gerard commented: “I am honoured, privileged and extremely proud to have been elected President of the Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate for the coming year, and it is a role which I will undertake to perform to the best of my abilities on your behalf and for the betterment of our Institute and the Construction Industry as a whole.”
“There are many challenges facing the Construction Industry today as the demand for completed high quality projects and Client expectations continue to rise; and budgets are increasingly squeezed. It is also true that the pool of skilled professionals is diminishing. From apprentices at craft level, the number of new entrants to the industry is still falling, while the number of experienced Clerks of Works / Construction Inspectors and supervisors retiring or leaving the profession is
growing. We as an industry have to make our profession more attractive to the young and encourage personal growth and progression and provide a clear career path.”
“We, the Clerks of Works, Construction Inspectors, Building Inspectors, Quality Managers etc. are essentially industrial policemen and women. We are there to ensure that the construction process is carried out correctly, tidily and efficiently. We are no longer the antagonists, and have (hopefully) moved away from the adversarial role which was a previous image that we had. We are now advisors, consultants and very much part of the team. We have to be approachable and friendly, whilst maintaining our core values of Ability, Integrity and Vigilance.”
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