It’s all about the classification...
Posted: 17th February 2014
Subsequently, Uniclass was derived from this system and gave the opportunity to classify ‘things’ in different ways, not simply as a system or an object. Uniclass was based on the general structure described in ISO 12006, which promoted the use of classification classes, each of which relates to a classification need. As well as products (or objects), some of the other classes suggested by ISO 12006 are:
- Entity e.g. a building, a bridge, a tunnel
- Complex (a group of entities) e.g. airports, hospitals, universities, power station
- Space e.g. office, canteen, parking area, operating theatre
- Product e.g. boiler, door, drain pipe
- Facilities this combines the space with an activity which can be carried out there, eg operating theatre
Indeed, other classes can be added to a classification system such as ‘system’, which works very well in an MEP environment. Similarly, an ‘activities’ class would be very helpful to define a range of activities which might be able to be done within a particular space, as an alternative to using the ‘facilities’ class.
Although consultants and contractors have managed well using just a couple of the classes above, other groups have found great benefit in classifying in a number of different ways. For example, it would be very helpful in a hospital FM environment to use the ‘spaces’, ‘activities’, ‘systems’ and ‘products’ classes.
In a hospital it is useful to classify the ‘spaces’ in the first instance by type, and then to classify each space further by which ‘activities’ can be carried out within them. From this it is possible to classify the ‘systems’ which support the spaces and then the ‘products’ which form the systems. A practical example would be if the chilled water system was taken out of action then you could quickly see which spaces were affected – an operating theatre. Once that’s known it is simple to determine which activities cannot be carried out – a number of planned operations. Also, other products or equipment can be identified which can now be worked on as the system they belong to is not working – chillers or chilled beams.
In this era of greater collaboration it is not enough to know what we are calling things, which classification system we are using. We must communicate with those we are working with to make sure that the solution suits all of us, and moreover that it is suitable for the whole life of the asset and not just the design, or the construction phase.
It may be that a new classification system is required to satisfy all parties involved in an asset and to make information available throughout its whole life. This is no simple task, which becomes more complex when the range of assets is considered in both buildings and infrastructure.
It is tempting to try to find solutions to what we do individually, but it is vital that any solution must be suitable for all stages of an asset’s life, for all types of assets and for all those involved in the asset. Once this has been achieved, the full potential of BIM can start to be exploited, and tangible benefits demonstrated in the use of information management processes.
Contributor: John joined BSRIA’s Sustainable Buildings Group in 2012 to drive the development of BIM within BSRIA and to assist its members – and the wider industry - with the understanding and adoption of BIM practices and techniques. He is actively involved in industry discussions on classification structures for BIM, and represents the CIBSE at CPIC committee level on this topic. He sits on the CIBSE BIM Group and represents BSRIA on the CIC BIM Forum. John can be contacted via email or BSRIA LinkedIn.
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