New Structure of the Strategic Forum
Posted: 7th February 2006
The Strategic Executive Group held its first meeting of the New Year following the restructuring of the Forum which came into effect on 1 January 2006 . The new structure of the Forum comprises of six members; CIC , CCG, CC, the Construction Products Association, NSCC/SEC Group and the TUC. Following the meeting, Chris Morley of the Construction Clients Group said: ‘ A major advantage of this new structure is that the chief executives of the umbrella bodies will get together more frequently than before which has to be in all our best interests. This first meeting was very positive with significant consensus on all issues.’
The Executive Group will see oversee the running of the Forum, the progress made by its strategic sub-fora and monitor the delivery of the headline targets set by the Egan Report through its Accelerating Change Target Group, managed by the Construction Products Association.
The Strategic Forum will hold a total of ten meetings in 2006. Four of which will be themed, focusing on strategic issues and accommodating high level discussions amongst the most appropriate senior people in government and the industry. Health and Safety will be the focus of the first themed meeting which is to take place in March 2006. Other issues prioritised by the Forum will be sustainability, conservation/repair/maintenance and integration.
The Strategic Forum will maintain its close relations with all relevant government departments. DTI will continue as an observer at main meetings and other departments will be consulted in line will the strategic issues being tackled by the Forum.
The Forum has warmly thanked its past Chairman, Peter Rogers, for his relentless efforts to improve the industry.
The next meeting of the Executive Group will be held in late February.
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