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Proud of Planning Proud of Planners - RTPI New Facebook Page

Posted: 8th February 2013

Following Dr Peter Geraghty’s inauguration speech as RTPI President, Proud of Planning Proud of Planners, the RTPI has set up a Facebook page and is encouraging people to visit the page and to “like” it. People can see the page without a Facebook account, but you will need a Facebook account in order to “like” the page.

President Dr Peter Geraghty’s inaugural speech in January 2013 urged planners to demonstrate pride in the profession and its achievements stating:

‘I have felt for some time that as a profession we have become inhibited and reticent to proclaim and espouse the vital and valuable contribution we make to civil society and the national well-being. What we do is hugely important to the lives of people and should not, nor must not, be characterised as a purely bureaucratic process. We are creative and should rightly be proud of what we do. Proud of what our predecessors have achieved and what we achieve day in day out. That is why I intend to make it my mission this year on the eve of our centenary to showcase and highlight our achievements as chartered planners. I am proud of the profession and proud of planners.

The initiative stems from the RTPI’s inauguration speech which can be read in full here.