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Revised Town Planning, Conservation and Building Control Technical Support NOS

Posted: 16th March 2012

Background to the review:

Construction Industry Council in conjunction with key sector interests, on behalf of, and as a partner in ConstructionSkills has revised the NOS for Town Planning, Conservation and Building Control. These NOS have been developed by industry practitioners and are supported by the relevant professional institutions and employer bodies. .

Who are these National Occupational Standards aimed at?

These National Occupational Standards (NOS) have been designed for people who have a managerial role in the fields of Town Planning (including spatial planning, development management and enforcement activities), Conservation and Building Control. They are relevant for practitioners from across the UK working for local authorities, or other public organisations and or working in private sector consultancies

Working in partnership

We would like to thank all those who took part in the working group and the consultation process. Your participation and involvement has ensured that the revised standards reflect changing industry practices relating to sustainability, energy use, low carbon and localism.

To view the NOS in full please go to NOS database

For further information please contact Patricia Bĕhal